8 Celebrities Who was in adult movies

Cameron Diaz #8

before becoming one of the world’s most beautiful and popular actresses in the movies The Mask,and There’s Something About Mary, Cameron Diaz made a very sexy movie.  Yes, at the ripe age of 19 Diaz made a soft core smut film where she shows off pretty much all of her assets. In the film Cameron runs around in a boob-exposing body suit yanking a shirtless dude by a chain.  Not exactly Oscar-worthy material, but everyone has to start somewhere.

David Duchovny #7

Before battling aliens in the X-Files and doing whatever it is he does in Californication, David Duchovny was in a soft core series called “The Red Shoe Diaries.”

Aurora Snow #6

Before appearing in legit movies like Superbad and The Rules of Attraction, Aurora Snow (aka Rebecca Claire Kensington) had a long history in adult films. At the age of 16 Rebecca moved to New York, changed her name to Aurora (a combination of her two favorite Disney Princesses: Aurora and Snow White) and attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.  After just one year she dropped out of school and moved to Los Angeles to become a model/actress. When her acting career never got off the ground Aurora’s agent suggested she try adult films and the rest is history.

Sylvester Stallone #5

Stallone has said he was broke and homeless when he did The Party at Kitty and Stud’s (later renamed The Italian Stallion), and the $200 he was paid for it kept him from sleeping in a bus station. The film seems to have been softcore in its original version, but in subsequent years, those who wanted to profit from it have billed it as hardcore and even inserted hardcore scenes.

Jesse Capelli #4

Perhaps best known as the hot girl in the movies Van Wilder: Party Liaison and Not Another Teen Movie, Jesse started out her career in adult movies and is still actively making them.

Jackie Chan #3

Jackie Chan, the lovable action star, once made some very sexy films. Believe it or not, in 1995 he first appeared in a nude sex-scene in a comedy called All In The Family. After that, he appeared in a sex-scene in Shinjuku Incident.

Sasha Grey #2

Sasha Grey comes from a working-class family and started doing adult films when she was 18 years old. Her first sex scene was with Rocco Siffredi in The Fashionistas 2. Since then Grey has gone mainstream, starring in The Girlfriend ExperienceOpen Windows and Entourage.

Shu Qi #1
Shu Qi, aka Lin Li-hui, is a Taiwanese actress and model, and at the age of 17 she was an adult star in Hong Kong. Since her adult-film past she has gone mainstream, appearing in The Transporter,The Assassin, and Journey to the West.


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